Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Becoming a Psychologist

Becoming a Psychologist As we all know,no one can better know about oneself other than the person itself. Thus when we take into regard this topic of psychology i know every one will surely think that it is such a silly subject to go to college and study about.But this is comletely a wrong impression put into people's mind. Psycology not only means knowing about the mental state of anyone but it is about realling learning states of mind at each and every occasion. One can surely tacle themselves until they are in control with their emotions and their activities.And for one to go out of themselves involves a lot of hormonal actions. Thereby learning state of mind includes leaning a lot in the medical field. Thus one should never hesistate to consult a counsellor or psycologist whenever needed thinking that they themselves can deal things always. And we should always respect their level of studies to become a good psychologist.English: Educational Psychologist

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Orca (Killer Whale - Orcinus orca) Facts

Orca (Killer Whale - Orcinus orca) Facts The killer whale, also known as the orca, is one of the most well-known types of whales. Killer whales are commonly the star attractions at large aquariums and due to these aquariums and movies, may also be known as Shamu or Free Willy. Despite their somewhat derogatory name and large, sharp teeth, fatal interactions between killer whales and humans in the wild have never been reported. (Read more about fatal interactions with captive orcas). Description With their spindle-like shape and beautiful, crisp black and white markings, killer whales are striking and unmistakable. The maximum length of killer whales is 32 feet in males and 27 feet in females. They can weigh up to 11 tons (22,000 pounds). All killer whales have dorsal fins, but the males is larger than females, sometimes reaching 6 feet tall. Like many other Odontocetes, killer whales live in organized family groups, called pods, which range in size from 10-50 whales. Individuals are identified and studied using their natural markings, which include a grayish-white saddle behind the whales dorsal fin. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: CetaceaSuborder: OdontocetiFamily: DelphinidaeGenus: OrcinusSpecies: orca While killer whales were long considered to be one species, there now appear to be many species, or at least subspecies, of killer whales. These species/subspecies differ genetically and also in appearance. Habitat and Distribution According to the Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, killer whales are second only to humans as the most widely distributed mammal in the world. Even though they range across temperate areas of the oceans, killer whale populations are more concentrated around Iceland and northern Norway, along the northwestern coast of the U.S. and Canada, in the Antarctic and Canadian Arctic. Feeding Killer whales eat a wide array of prey, including fish, sharks, cephalopods, sea turtles, seabirds (e.g., penguins) and even other marine mammals (e.g., whales, pinnipeds). They have 46-50 cone-shaped teeth that they use to grasp their prey. Killer Whale Residents and Transients The well-studied population of killer whales off the western coast of North America has revealed that there are two separate, isolated populations of killer whales known as residents and transients. Residents prey on fish and move according to the migrations of salmon, and transients prey primarily on marine mammals such as pinnipeds, porpoises, and dolphins, and may even feed on seabirds. Resident and transient killer whale populations are so different that they dont socialize with each other and their DNA is different. Other populations of killer whales are not as well studied, but scientists think that this food specialization might occur in other areas as well. Scientists are now learning more about a third type of killer whale, called offshores, which live in the area from British Columbia, Canada to California, dont interact with resident or transient populations, and are not usually seen inshore. Their food preferences are still being studied. Reproduction Killer whales are sexually mature when they are 10-18 years old. Mating seems to take place throughout the year. The gestation period is 15-18 months, after which a calf about 6-7 feet long is born. Calves weigh about 400 pounds at birth and will nurse for 1-2 years. Females have calves every 2-5 years. In the wild, it is estimated that 43% of calves die within the first 6 months (Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, p.672). Females reproduce until they are about 40 years old. Killer whales are estimated to live between 50-90 years, with females generally living longer than males. Conservation Since 1964, when the first killer whale was captured for display in an aquarium in Vancouver, they have been a popular show animal, a practice that is becoming more controversial. Until the 1970s, killer whales were captured off the western coast of North America, until populations there began to decrease. Subsequently, since the late 1970s, killer whales captured in the wild for aquariums have mostly been taken from Iceland. Today, breeding programs exist in many aquariums and that has lessened the need for wild captures. Killer whales have also been hunted for human consumption or because of their predation on commercially-valuable fish species. They are also threatened by pollution, with the population off British Columbia and Washington state having extremely high levels of PCBs. Sources: American Cetacean Society. 2004. Orca (Killer Whale). (Online). American Cetacean Society Fact Sheet. Accessed February 27, 2010.Kinze, Carl Christian. 2001. Marine Mammals of the North Atlantic. Princeton University Press.Mead, James G. and Joy P. Gould. 2002. Whales and Dolphins In Question. Smithsonian Institution.Perrin, William F., Bernd Wursig and J.G.M. Thewissen. 2002. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Effects of Alcoholism on the Family Research Paper

The Effects of Alcoholism on the Family - Research Paper Example Attempts to maintain the family mythology causes the spouse to protect the alcoholic’s habits and to enable and excuse his alcoholism. It also affects the children with some of the children taking on the roles of the hero, the scapegoat, the mascot, and the quiet one as a means of coping with the parent’s alcoholism. It affects adult children, making them less able to function normally in society as they go through failed relationships and careers. The management of alcoholism includes cognitive-behavioral therapy for the alcoholic and for the patient. Family therapy and a drug regimen can also manage the alcoholism and teach the family proper coping techniques. The Effects of Alcoholism on the Family I. INTRODUCTION Alcoholism is one of the most pervasive substance addictions which many people suffer from. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2010), about 52% of adults 18 years of age and above were regular drinkers in the year 2010; and only 13% of these adults were infrequent drinkers. Alcoholism is considered a dangerous addiction because it has been known to lead to alcoholic-related deaths and alcoholic-induced deaths, including homicide and accidents. Although the individual actively engaging in the addiction process suffers a variety of effects (physiological, emotional, etc.), the family of the alcoholic is not without effect or consequence. In fact, three out of ten adults reveal that drinking is a cause of trouble in their family, leading to various physical, emotional, financial, and social issues in the family (Alcohol Drug Abuse Resource Center, 2011). The examination of current research outcomes will culminate in the identification of those effects on the role of the alcoholic, the spouse and the children, and the delicate balance between them. II. BODY – The effects of alcoholism on the family and the roles they play within the family unit: the Alcoholic, the Spouse, and the Children A. Effect s of addiction on the Alcoholic 1. Physiological Alcoholism has various physiological effects on the alcoholic’s body. According to the National Institute for Health (2005), alcoholism can have negative effects on the liver, the endocrine system, the bones, and the brain. According to the Distance Learning for Addiction Studies (n.d), it can cause dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, recurrent diarrhea, recurrent abdominal pain, acute and chronic pancreatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and it can significantly impact on the liver. It can cause alcohol fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, or ascites (DLCAS, n.d). Due to scarring linked with nodules, advanced necrosis can manifest and eventually cause cirrhosis of the liver. It is also known to cause cardiovascular issues, including cardiomyopathy, anemia, and dilated blood vessels where peripheral blood vessels dilate and cause the loss of body heat (DLCAS, n.d). It can also have a negative impact on the blood vessels. Wit h each drink of alcohol, about 10,000 neurons are destroyed or are disconnected from the other brain cells. Neurons do not reproduce and therefore lost neurons are permanently lost. Alcohol is also known to increase the conductive material between brain cells, decreasing their electrical impulses and impacting the frontal lobes and affecting a person’s behavior patterns (DLCAS, n.d). In effect, he is sometimes unable to make long-term plans. It can also affect the person’

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tommy Zeigler Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tommy Zeigler - Research Paper Example Based on the events that took place on the evening of Christmas Eve, Tommy Zeigler was convicted for the four murders and put on death row. However, he considers that the chief witness misrepresented him, on the stand, to implicate him and that he was additionally pressurized by law enforcement officers in a bid to conclude the case (Newton, 2008). All sides across the divide concur that Zeigler called the municipal council at 9.20 that night to inform him of the attack. At around 9.18 p.m, he contacted and appealed to converse with Don Ficke notifying him of the robbery had transpired at his store and shot, was seriously wounded, and needed urgent medical help (Stacy, 2012). Detective Donald Frye wasted no time in analyzing the crime scene. There was a mixture of contradictory evidence manifested by pools of blood in varied places in the scene, bloody footprints, several disposed-off guns and a series of injuries at distinct locations for each body (Ames, 2007). It was apparent to the detective that the spray outlines at the scene implied two distinct lettings of blood, with Charlie May's grave gunshot wounds indicating to have been carried out in a period of 15 minutes subsequent to the earlier violent incident. Based on a track of blood directing flowing from the telephone Zeigler had employed to call for help to the chair in which he sat when help arrived, Frye also concluded that Zeigler ought to be considered a prime suspect. Frye considered that Tommy shot himself in the abdomen subsequent to calling Don (Anderson, 2013). Frye established a solitary responsible to explicate the circumstantial evidence and speedily set out to â€Å"prove† his theory (Ames, 2007). As a result, experts assert that it was neither handled accurately nor comprehensively processed (Stacy, 2012). Donald Frye’s Account Frye based his assertion of the night’s events entirely on the combined testimonies of the two men. Frye theorized that Zeigler had pre-meditated to murder Eunice for financial gain (she had $500,000 life insurance policy that he had taken out on his wife a few months before and that her staged murder coincidentally demanded the deaths of Perry and Virginia Edwards. Frye belie ved he murdered Mays and attempted to massacre Thomas and Williams to link them to the robbery (Stacy, 2012). He had also requested Edward Williams to help him deliver some Christmas presents that night. Williams’ testimony read that Zeigler had arranged to meet him at 7.30 p.m at his home. Frye believed that, in the period between 7.00 and 7.24, Zeigler first murdered his wife, then Perry and Virginia Edwards. According to Felton Thomas, when he and Mays arrived to collect the television, Zeigler approached him and proposed that they pursue a drive together (Anderson, 2013). The three went for a ride to an orange grove in which the suspect presented three guns to Thomas and Mays requesting them to try them out. This was considered as a delicately veiled ploy to acquire their fingerprints on the murder weapons. Nevertheless, when the weapons were found, they had been wiped clean. Williams claimed that he saw Zeigler arrive accompanied by two men (Felton Thomas and Charlie May s)

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Raphaels Portrait Leo X with Cardinals Guilio de Medici Essay Example for Free

Raphaels Portrait Leo X with Cardinals Guilio de Medici Essay In Nelson Minnichs religious interpretation of Raphaels famous portrait of Pope Leo X, Minnich first begins with the very basics of the portrait; what is contained within its canvas and why it is there. From small clues such as these, he is able to lay the foundation for which theories and conclusions can be based. He first points out the location of the figures in the painting. Minnich believes that they are in a large room, seated before a green cloth on the wall, or cloth of honor. There is some speculation, however, as to exactly where this room is located. Several theorists, as well as he, believe that the location is a room in the Vatican, perhaps the library. He points out that there is reflection of a window in several objects in the portrait, allowing more narrowing down the location even further and debunking the library idea. With the location not quite known, Minnich moves on to the color scheme. He points out that the painting is known for its use of red on the robes of the pope and cardinals, the furniture, and the table coverings. Red was considered a papal color, so this is not unusual in a papal portrait. What is unusual however, is the other two men accompanying the pope in the portrait who were painted in later. Minnich identifies these cardinals as Luigi deRossi, Leos first cousin, and Guilio deMedici, another of Leos cousins. Leo was extremely close with Luigi and this is shown by Luigis hands on Leos chair. Guilio was considered Leos right hand man, and is depicted as so in the portrait by being almost a part of Leos right arm. Minnich also points out that it is ironic that Guilio is depicted as a cardinal because his clerical status wasnt determined at the time. From here we move on to another important item in the portrait, the bell. This specific bell was made for Leo after his election and is a hand bell used for praying. Minnich explains that its presence is most likely to represent Christ in the portrait. Next to the bell is a magnifying glass which Minnich says is merely there to represent the popes nearsightedness. Leo would have needed the glass to read the next item on the table, his bible. The bible is obviously not an unlikely item, being that it is a portrait of a pope, but it is where the bible is opened to that is of importance; St. Johns Gospel. Minnich tells us that Leos first baptismal name was Giovanni, a name that came from this gospel. After inspecting the painting for obvious clues and symbols, Minnich is ready to discuss the possible reasons for the paintings existence. The first being the obvious, that it is merely a papal state portrait. He points out several reasons that this could be a wrong assumption. The painting was kept in Florence and not in Rome, like most papal portraits. It was much smaller than an average state portrait. And the most obvious objection was that there were three people present in the painting, which is highly unusual for a portrait. Minnich then suggests the possibility that Raphael was merely painting a family portrait. But then he quickly points out that no other of Leos relatives was involved. He also points out that the items involved, a bell, the bible, are not usually in state portraits. With the state portrait theory clearly discredited, Minnich tells readers of the theory that the painting is simply an occasional piece, saying that it was painted just to be displayed at the wedding of the Medici and Valois houses in lieu of the pope and his two relatives not being able to make the festivities. Minnich states that the clothing in the portrait clearly leads one to believe that the painting was done months before the wedding. The pope and his relatives would have to have known far in advance that they could not make the occasion and Luigi deRossi was actually recognized as being present the day of the wedding. He says that occasional pieces are not usually so planned out, but does however, mention that a lot would be explained had Raphael begun painting a portrait and then suddenly attempted to switch it into a wedding gift and add the two cardinals. Not fully committed to a purpose, Minnich takes a quick look at the eligious meaning behind the portrait. He mentions that Josephine Jungie has the most persuasive theory on the painting. She believes that the bible represents the stage of the Holy spirit, the bell represents the new age, and that Leo looking to the left represents his looking to the arrival of the new age, and thinking about his own appointment as an Angelican Pastor who will lead the Church in the final age. Minnich points out that this is persuasive because Leo was attempting to take on the roles that an Angelican leader would, yet points out the Jungie failed to find reason for the two cardinals in the portrait. He closes with admitting to readers that no one will ever really know Raphaels true intentions behind this famous painting. All we have is historical facts, symbols, ideas, and of course opinions to make up the reason for Pope Leo Xs portrait with Cardinals Luigi deRossi and Guilio deMedici.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Oregon Trail :: essays research papers fc

CROSSING THE Great Plains The Oregon Trail was an overland emigrant route in the United States from the Missouri River to the Columbia River country, was the way to travel back in the 1840’s through the 1860’s. In 1843 the "Great Emigration" began and the west would never be the same after the out set of the travelers. The pioneers by wagon train did not, however, follow any single narrow route. In open country the different trains might spread out over a large area, only to converge again for river crossings, mountain passes. In time many alternate routes also developed. They originated at various places on the Missouri, although Independence were favorite starting points, the routes taken along with the wagon trails are the key points in which made it possible to travel west. Those starting from Independence followed the same route as the Santa Fe Trail for some 40 miles, then traveled to the Platte and generally followed that river to the North Platte and t hen the South Platte. Crossing the South Platte, the main trail followed the North Platte to Fort Laramie, then to the present Casper, Wyo. and through the mountains by the South Pass to the Colorado River. The travelers then went to Fort Bridger, from which the Mormon Trail continued to the Great Salt Lake, while the Oregon Trail went northwest across a divide to Fort Hall, on the Snake River. The California Trail branched off to the southwest, but the Oregon Trail continued to Fort Boise. From that point the travelers had to make the hard climb over the Blue Mountains. Once those were crossed, paths diverged somewhat; many went to Fort Walla Walla before proceeding down the south bank of the Columbia River, traversing the Columbia's gorge where it passes through the Cascade Mountains to the Willamette Valley, where the early settlement centered. The end of the trail shifted as settlement spread. The mountain men were chiefly responsible for making the route known, and Thomas Fitzp atrick and James Bridger were renowned as guides. The first genuine emigrant train was that led by John Bidwell in 1841, half of which went to California, the rest proceeding from Fort Hall to Oregon. The first train of emigrants to reach Oregon was that led by Elijah White in 1842. In 1843 occurred the "Great Emigration" of more than 900 persons and more than 1,000 head of stock.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

American lit

The present paper is designed to compare Faulkner’s short story â€Å"A Rose to Emily† to the writings of the same genre by Poe and Hawthorne in order to identify the similar criteria, attributed to gothic literature. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the depiction of the physical and material dimensions, employed by the authors, as most of them refer to pessimism, inescapable decay and hopelessness. For instance, Faulkner provides the details of Emily’s ageing: â€Å"When we next saw Miss Emily, she had grown fat and her hair was turning gray† (Faulkner, 2001,Part IV), which can be parallelized to the very gradual expiration.Hawthorne, in â€Å"The Birthmark† uses dark imagery, e. g. , â€Å"late one night when the lights were growing dim†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hawthorne, 2002) in order to imply the degeneration and â€Å"darkening† of the protagonist’s conscience and morality. Poe, in â€Å"The Black Cat†, employs the images of night and the black color is order to create the impressions of fear, and similarly to the other two writers, moral and mental degeneration. Another important component of Gothic literature, used by the writers, is sinister mystery.Faulkner in the introductory paragraph states that the whole city gathers at the protagonist’s funeral â€Å"through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument† (Faulkner, 2001, Part I), so that the reader is puzzled by the possible reasons for such behavior, Hawthorne introduces his protagonist as a â€Å"peculiar† person, a gifted scientist with a mysterious and ambiguous personality, whereas Poe at the very beginning cues at the intrinsic adversity of the events to be presented, as they â€Å"have terrified – have tortured—have destroyed† (Poe, 1999) the main character.Finally, all authors employ mental disorder as a vital aspect of Gothic literature: Faulkner’s Miss Emily literally keeps skeletons in her bed, Hawthorne’s Aylmer is obsessed with a single idea, the removal of the birthmark from his wife’s cheek, whereas Poe’s protagonist in â€Å"The Black Cat†, addicted to alcohol, experiences extremely grave fits of anger and aggression, extending his negative emotions to the innocent creature. Essay 2.The present paper focuses on the realistic and non-judgmental and non-pissing depiction of the protagonist in â€Å"Neighbour Rosicky†. First of all, it is important to note that the author easily managed to provide a portrait of a righteous and kind-hearted person, who is, however, ordinary and poorly-educated villager. The overall tone of the short story is friendly and down-to-earth, which probably also points to the protagonist’s nature; as his wife, Mary, believes, Anton Rosicky â€Å" was her man, and the kind of man she liked.She was rough, and he was gentle , — city-bred, as she always said. They had been shipmates on a rough voyage and had stood by each other in trying times† (Cartherm 2002, Part II). In addition, the man manages to develop his agricultural business and rich certain affluence, beginning literally with nothing, which points to his resistibility and strong survival skills. Finally, he is very committed to his family and continues teaching and transferring knowledge to his children even after they have grown into adults.It is possible, however, to suspect a high degree of sentimentalism in the depiction of the decay of the main character’s kind heart, but the author emphasizes the meaning of Anton’s attitude towards the hardships he encounters: starving, suffering from poor economic security, he in his young years managed to ascend over the circumstances and maintain his easy-going and supportive nature; thus, when learning the doctor’s verdict about the possible length of his life, he shows optimism and insists that he is not going to give up the regular agricultural activities.The protagonist’s last words probably reflect his enthusiastic and caring nature: â€Å"I like mighty well to see dat little child, Polly† (Carther, 2002, Part VI), which means, the old man’s optimism, desire for living and interest in earthy and family issues lasts as long as his own physical life.To sum up, the author successfully completes the goal of realism, associated with depicting practical, simple-minded people without any extravagancies, but with intrinsic ability to remain socially and psychologically productive. The short story resembles a memory about an old friend rather than an ode; moreover, the author manages to avoid another extremity and eliminates the traces of sentimentalism through stressing the main character’s viewpoint concerning his approaching death.Works cited Carther, W. â€Å"Neighbour Rosicky†. 14 December 2002, Faulkner, W. â€Å" A Rose for Emily†. 11 May 2001, Hawthor ne, N. â€Å"The Birthmark†. 9 September 2002, Poe, E. â€Å"The Black Cat†. 21 July 1999,

Sunday, November 10, 2019

First Dental Visit

I will never forget the first time I went to the dentist. People around the world believe that going to the dentist is a torture. ?It will be the worst experience of your life? they said to me. Photos of someone opening your mouth and putting something inside my mouth gave me jumps of anxiety. All that tools around the dental office, the shiny knives, the immaculate white room and the image of the doctor’s perfect teeth, all that made my heart rate increased and I felt like I was on a roller coaster. Because my first time in a dental office was not as everyone- and including myself expected to be.It was a winter day and my mother and I got up at 5:00 a. m. to arrive early at the Dental office. When I arrived to the office a wave of emotions and the unpleasant smell of medicine leaped over me, and there were already people formed and waited for the doctor. The waiting room was white and on each wall there were plastered dramatic photos of a healthy and dirty mouth, of healthy t eeth and teeth with decays, or ? Before/After? photos. While my mother sat in an empty chair, I felt the increment in my blood pressure as I waited to hear from the receptionist each patient’s name.Clusters of magazines were lying on the brown shiny table, each one screaming out images of the human mouth. I looked at every corner of the room. About one hour after I arrived, a man of robust complexion, piercing eyes, a forged smile, and with a white robe entered and greeted us. The first thing I saw was his robe, and as a lightning pierces a cloud, my first thought was ? He is the dentist.? After the doctor entered his office, I turned around to see the faces of each parent with their nervous child who were trying to avoid an eye contact.The door leading to the dental office made a noise that was extremely horrendous to my ears. I could not take my eyes off the photos that showed grotesque yellow teeth. It must be my imagination, but I was already feeling the cool metal collid ing with my teeth and the pain caused by it. One by one, the receptionist called each patient’s name and when a child entered the office occasionally it is heard a yell from inside the office where the child had disappeared. The parents’ faces were of impatience.I saw how all the children were staring at their parents with fear in their eyes. About two hours after of my inner petrifaction a sudden tapping of heeled shoes awoken me, a woman in white uniform came from the corridor with something like a book. I looked up to see better the person that was calling my name. A sudden shock of emotion was present in the air, my pulse raced, and my hands sweat. I was walking down a corridor full of more frightening photos. A breath escaped from my lips and straight away I swallow the lump that has accumulated in my throat.When I visualized a white door, I stopped and I could see a paper with the name of the dentist. As I entered I could see everything that was kept in there. A big blue chair protruded among all the other things inside the room covered with cold hard metal machines gleaming like saying ‘Welcome'. I saw a plastic cup in one of the handles of the chair and next to it there was something like knives of different sizes. At the left side of that big chair there was the person that would cause pain in my teeth. As I sat in the chair, an instant rush of adrenaline traveled through my body.With a small mirror the doctor began to check my teeth. Then there was an assault of stomach-turning as the doctor took an instrument from the table. The sterile smell of the office caused me a stomach-ache. My blood pumped into my head. Meanwhile some cold metal was traveling into my mouth, I realized that I was unable to move but not because the machines were working but because I was in shock when I noticed the sudden tickling inside my stomach. My eyes shined with emotions. The first dental consult was not that hard as people described it.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom American Education vs. Foreign essay

buy custom American Education vs. Foreign essay Public education is in the United States of America is universally available for all. It is provided by three public sectors usually funded by the federal government, the individual state and the locals. However, a majority of American students of up to 70% lack financial resources to pay up their tuition fees in our schools. These students rely on students loans for their universities, the federal government or a private lender. However, a few charity institutions cover the tuition fees although scholarships are widely available. This puts into question the seriousness worlds superpower on its stand for knowledge transmission to its populace especially the youth (Warren and Eugene 1983, pp. 379). However, the US schools lag behind compared to others of the developed countries not mentioning the third world nations in the fields of science, mathematics, and reading. The USA is ranked 37th in the world in education spending as a percentage of GDP yet it has the largest and the most technologically driven economy in the world with per capita GDP of $47, 400. With this then, why cant education be fully funded by the federal government and leave alone the individual states and the locals to make America an equal opportunity land? This is because of the tax variation in the various states (Warren and Eugene 1983, pp. 379). Moreover, foreign students in the US rarely get fully funded by the state. They get their funding from their families and only about 20% receive their academic funding from their colleges or universities. International student scholarships in the USA are very competitive with annual undergraduate tuition varying from state to state. It is worth noting that private schools tuition is much higher than public schools as they are highly specialized technical institutes. This again poses the question of equality. Is American education bridging the gap between the rich and the poorbecause sophisticated education facilities are becoming a preserve for the higher class who can afford high tuition in private schools for their children? This is not in the spirit of the American togetherness. The funding of education in the USA is a complex process but the controversy arises much from the no child is left behind act which gives the department of education the USA the right to with holding funding if it believes a school , a district or even a state is not complying and is making no effort to comply. This is denies the universality of education for all and promoting the no spirit of liberalism (Rowena, November 2009). Compared to the French education system, the French education system is highly centralized, organized and ramified with the striking feature of small size and multiplicity of establishments in more or less broad spectrum of disciplines. Higher education in France, compared to America is state funded with very low tuition fees depending on the university and the different level of education (Rowena, November 2009). Contrary to another nation like Cuba where following the 1959 revolution, the Castro government liberalized all the education institutions creating a system entirely controlled by the central government with the government expenditures on education receiving the highest priority in funding the education sector. According to UNESCO Cuba allocates 10% of its annual budget to education compared to the 2% by the US government funding and the 4% funding by the United Kingdom. This is ironical to the worlds super power laying low tentacles on education sector. Irrespective of your class, income and your hoods, in Cuba, education is free for all at all levels. School uniforms and meals are provided for free with schools opening for close to 12 hours. There are also mobile teachers deployed to homes with children who are unable to attend schools. Over half of teachhers in Cuban primary schools have masters degrees. This has created literacy campaigns leading to Cuba being the highest in literate levels in the world. Students and volunteers go to rural areas to teach other country men to read and provide information on current Cuban politics as rural women receive job training and schooling outside agriculture. About 85% of parents send their children to public schools largely because of the funding. One tenth of the students are enrolled in primary schools with tax burdens by district schools varying from area to area. However parents may choose to educate their children from home with only 1.7% of the children educated in this manner. The high tax burden in schools has led to high school drop outs especially for African American male students. Do you still believe that America is still holding on as a land of opportunities for all with this inequality in education sector? No wonder in 2010, according to a report by organization for economic cooperation, American students were down in performance edging in17th rank worldwide majorly due to low end in socioeconomic scales leading to this low level of achievement (Rowena, November 2009). The USA government has done little in education to encourage high achieving in education. The low level productivity evaluations in the academics, allowing for low comparisons in the world is per se not amusing; the USA students average scores in international comparisons have been below average of the developed countries. This is a slap on the flamboyant America. We need to invest in our future generations, the legacy and the love for our nation, our dream and the future. America has all it takes ahead of other nations of the world as a land of heritage to invest highly in the education sector with full funding of our education system to make this not only the bets security hub and land of opportunities but also an academic bandwagon. Buy custom American Education vs. Foreign essay

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

APA Paper Format

APA Paper Format APA Paper Format APA Paper Format Most of the college papers must be written in APA format. APA format is a generally accepted norm for academic paper formatting. It defines the rules for college paper style: in-text citation references, pagination, margins, etc. In general, APA format requires the following: Use 1 inch margins from all sides of the page. The first page is the title page. The shortened title as well as page numbers placed in upper right corners. The distance is 1 inch from the top of the page and 1inch from the right side. Double-space between the lines. Make references for the list of cited references. The list also should be double-spaced.  It is placed at the end of the college paper writing and it includes the works that you used writing paper. This list should be organized in alphabetical order by the last name of the author. The font size is 12 point. But the requirements of different colleges are diverse that is you may be asked to use 14 point font size for the paper. Do not forget to include an abstract paragraph right after the cover page! No outline is necessary! Paper Editing If you are not sure how to apply APA style to your paper, you may ask for professional paper editing service at site. We can definitely ensure that your paper is edited in proper APA format.   It implies to proper formatting of cover page, abstract, headings, citations, reference list and even page layout.   Paper writing editing is a qualitative assistance.   It means that in addition to corrected format, you will receive free recommendation on how to improve your paper.   Professional editor will highlight the sections of your paper that need improvement or revision.   In addition, editor will tell you why and how to improve your paper.   Thus, you get paper properly formatted in APA plus a detailed recommendation. Editing Paper Service It has never been easier to have your paper refined.   If you seek paper editing service, it means that you care about your grades and you want to ensure that your paper follows APA format.   Our editing prices are low enough to avoid financial burden on you.   APA paper format is not exceptionally difficult to follow; however, it is very easy to get lost in all peculiarities of it.   We are available 24/7 to help.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ea, E., Itzhaki, M., Ehezrenfeld, M., & Fitzpatrick, J. (2012) Assignment

Ea, E., Itzhaki, M., Ehezrenfeld, M., & Fitzpatrick, J. (2012). Acculturation among immigrant nurses in Israel and the United S - Assignment Example Who participated or contributed data? The study involved the participation of 50 FSU nurses who are undergoing the process of completing an 18-months educational program at a training school in Israel to become professional registered nurses (RNs), and currently serving as practical nurses. All the participants have an experience in working with the FSU as well as old age homes. A Short Acculturation Scale for Filipino Americans (ASASFA) and demographic questionnaires were administered to 141 Filipino RNs. What methods were used to collect data? Acculturation was conducted through the use of A Short Acculturation Scale for Filipino Americans. A t-test was then conducted to identify the variability in acculturation between the two groups. Data was collected by use of questionnaires which were administered to the 50 FSU nurses. Convenience sampling technique was used in the recruitment of the Filipino RNs attending a national convention organized by Philippines Nurses Association of Am erican. ASASFA was used to determine acculturation among Filipino RNs. The translated version was used to assess the FSU nurses. Was an intervention tested? No intervention was tested. What were the main findings? All FSU nurses were female with 68 per cent of them being married, 18% not married and the rest divorced. The age range of the participants was from 25 to 49 years with a mean of 34 years. The average length of residence in Israel was found to be 9.6 years. 66% of the participants reported average income, 32% reported low income while 2% reported high income. The purchasing power parity of the FSU nurses was found to be reasonable. An analysis of the Filipino RNs showed that 86.5% were female and 68.8% married. They had a group mean age of 45 years, 92.9% have a baccalaureate degree in nursing and an annual income of more than $60 000. Their average length of USA residency is 18 years. The acculturation mean for all FSU nurses was 2.15 out of 5 with a standard deviation of 0.39. The Filipino RNs group acculturation mean was found out to be 3 with a standard deviation of 0.39. The t-test confirmed the presence of a significant difference in acculturation between the two groups i.e. 11.30. The results indicate that the acculturation level of the Filipino RNs leaned towards the host culture. However, the FSU nurses portrayed an acculturation that is close to their original culture than the Israel culture. A high acculturation mean between the Filipino RNs indicates that they were comfortable with the use of the host’s language in all aspects of interactions. They were also comfortable with interacting with the members of the host culture. Credibility Is the study published in a source that required peer review? Yes X No ___Not sure ___ The publishing of the study in an article that requires peer review portrays the standard and credible nature of the results. Was the design used appropriate to the research questions? Yes X No ___Not sure ___ The descriptive design and convenience sampling was appropriate for answering the research questions. The researchers were interested in exploring acculturation differences between immigrant nurses in Israel and the United States of America. Did the data obtained and the analysis conducted answers the research ques

Friday, November 1, 2019

Denver International Airport (DIA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Denver International Airport (DIA) - Essay Example DIA engineers use MapGuide to keep tabs on its massive underground utility systems including 11,365 miles of copper cable – enough to link the U.S to Argentina. The largest airport in the world is King Fahd International Airport in Saudi Arabia. Canada’s Montreal-Mirabel Airport is ranked second. The United States of America’s Denver International Airport occupies third spot (, 2007). Denver International Airport {commonly referred to as DIA} is situated in the northeastern area of Denver in the state of Colorado. Its airfield, passenger and cargo facilities cover a massive land area of 54 square miles {140 square kilometers} (, 2007). DIA has an unusual signature white colored tension fabric roof that evokes memories of the snow-covered Rocky Mountains during winter (, 2007) – Denver lies at the rim of the Great Plains at the foot of the Rocky Mountains (Castellino, p.7). The tallest point of the roof extends 126 feet above floor level. The huge weight of the roof is borne by 34 vertical poles and 10 miles of steel wire (, 2007). DIA is also famous for its unique pedestrian bridge that links its terminal to one of the Concourses; it affords a wonderful view of airplanes taxiing on the tarmac below (, 2007). The massive 33 storey, 327 foot high Control Tower was designed by Leo A. Daly and constructed by M.A. Mortensen Co.’s Federal Contracting Group (, 2007). DIA was constructed primarily as a replacement for Stapleton International Airport that has since been decommissioned. The U.S. Federal government allocated an initial amount of $ 60 million to build DIA in September 1989 (, 2007). Hispanic Mayor Federico Pena {term as Mayor: 1983 to 1991} easily the most active, capable and farsighted Mayor of Denver, was in office at that time (Castellino, p.33). Although scheduled to be ready in four years’ time, the project extended to five