Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Breast Implants in Teenagers Essays - 568 Words

The trend for a number of young girls is to get breast augmentation. They think that by changing their bodies, they’re going to change their lives. They think they will be happy, and they will be completely satisfied with their implants. Their expectation is that their self-confidence will skyrocket, and they will be attractive girls. Many young girls get implants to make themselves stand out more and to have a great appearance, but there are many reasons that they should comprehend the long-term effect of surgery. First of all, teenagers expect that plastic surgery will improve their self-confidence, but does it? Teenagers think that their new appearance will be great, but they may get different looks from their friends. For†¦show more content†¦Teenagers should know the risks and side effects of their surgery. For example, the possibility of rupture, FDA has found that a woman with an implant for at least 10 years one of them has ruptured. And because of breast impl ants mammograms are more difficult to detect breast cancer. Moreover, they may have many complications such as breast pain, breast hardness, and numbness in the nipple. These symptoms can vary and may be last for years and may never go away. In addition, they may need extra medical treatment or surgeries to cure any problems caused by the implants. The last reason, the high cost of breast implants and implant problems is it costs a lot of money. Some parents or girls have to borrow money for breast implants. The average cost of breast implants is about 4,000-6,000 dollars. Moreover, they might have to pay more money for any unexpected problems which can happen any time. For example, they have had implants break in a car accident or a bad fall. It often costs more to get implants removed than to have them put in. In addition, most insurance companies will not pay for even medical problems that result from breast augmentation. And there are health insurance companies which drop the coverage because of implants, or stop covering breast conditions that are believed to be related to implants. An increase number of teenagers are turning to breast augmentation. Parents should warn their daughter of the long-term effects of surgeryShow MoreRelatedTeen Cosmetic Surgery is Ugly1059 Words   |  5 Pagesand breast implants. According to Diana Zuckerman, a Ph. D, and Anisha Abrahm, a M.D. and M.P.H., â€Å"The two most popular and controversial cosmetic procedures for adolescents are liposuction and breast implants (â€Å"Teenagers and Cosmetic Surgery: Focus on Breast Augmentation and Liposuction† 1). In 2003, more than 223,000 cosmetic procedures were preformed on patients younger than 18 years of age. 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